1. Count elements and shows information in console.

  • Animals

    • Cat
    • Hamster
    • Horse
    • Parrot
  • Products

    • Bread
    • Prasley
    • Cheese
  • Technologies

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • React
    • Node.js

2. Add elements to the list
('ul' element was empty).

    3. Adding images from array with objects.

    4. Increment or decrement.


    5. Text changes as input changes
    (max 32 signs).

    Hello, Anonymous!

    6. Check for exactly 6 signs.

    7. Change font size with the range controller.


    8. Sends email and password data (shows in console here).

    9. Button changes color of the given box for random color.

    Background color: RGB#Code

    10. Creates given amount of boxes, each is bigger than the previous one and each has random color.